Thursday, 29 July 2021

Press Start | SSR Selfie

 I read 1 chapter and 15 pages of (Pres Start, Super Rabbit Boy's Team-up Trouble) by Thomas Flintham.

This book shows a mean Viking king and a queen are trying to steal the ULTRA MEGA EPIC DIAMOND from the center of the planet. The stone is very important as it keeps the world very much safe.

I really enjoyed the book because it shows the intresting and amazing adventure the Super Rabbit Boy and Mega Mole Girl had.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Times Table | Basic Facts

I completed speed demon for my times table, I got 86/100 and my time was 7:47.

Next time I should increase my speed and answer the multiplication correctly.


Addition and Subtraction

 Addition and Subtraction can be solved by two strategies: counting on/back, rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding forward using fingers, when the number added is under ten. Counting back is subtracting using fingers, when the the number subtracted is under ten.

Rounding and compensating is rounding the added or subtracted number to the nearest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by splitting the new number into the old number and the leftover.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating are easy strategies to use for addition and subtraction, when numbers get too big to be solved with basic facts. 

Friday, 9 July 2021

Finished Party Popper

The Four Amigos Made a design for our party popper,

In the beginning, the Four Amigos drew the design for the party popper, we drew a game for the design because our market is gamers. We coloured the design and then cut it out.

Afterwards we glued the design onto our cup, we then put our parts together for the party popper. We tested the party popper and it surprisingly worked.

To finish up after we tested our party popper we showed it to our teacher. After we showed the teacher he told us to show the principal of the school. When we showed the party popper to the principal he told us what the science was behind it and was really impressed

I enjoyed it because we showed our principal and were really impressed by the party popper.


Friday, 2 July 2021

Four Amigo's Party Popper

My company and I created a party popper design.

In the beginning, our group thought of ideas on what the updates were for the party popper design. We planned the updated design for the cup, rubber band and the weight for a big plastic cup, medium rubber band and a bolt. We then thought of other ideas for the designs in case they went wrong.

Afterwards we tested each object to see if they would work for a party popper. We then recorded the results and put it on a google sheet.

To finish up we assembled the parts that worked best for a party popper design. When we put the parts together we took a picture and then took it apart.

I enjoyed The experience of making a party popper. Next time I would use better confetti and a better weight to explode higher.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Basic Facts

I did speed demon for times table. I got 5 minutes 21 seconds to accomplish it and also got 90/100.

Next time I do a basic facts my goal is to should increase my time into 4 minutes or 3 minutes.

Gueness World Records 2010

I read 28 pages of (Gueness World Record 2010 The Book Of The Decade) by the Jim Pattison Group.

This book shows and talks about the world records in 2010.

I really enjoyed the book because it shows the intresting and amazing worlds records broken in 2010.


Measurement non standard

I measured three objects using one of the units of measuement. There are four units of measurements which are millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.

The first object I estimated was a box. I estimated the height, width and length of the box. Then I measured the actual height, width and length with a ruler.

The next object I estimated was a book. Next I estimated the height, width and length of the book and then measured the actual measurement.

The last object I estimated was a whiteboured. I measured the actual height, width and length of the container for the right measurement.

I enjoyed this task because my estimati were nearly close to the actual measurement.