Thursday, 28 October 2021

SSR Selfie

I read a fiction book called How Maui Fished Up The North Island.

The main characrter was Maui.

When Maui emerged he managed to convince his brothers to row out to the deepest part of the ocean, where he cast a fish hook made from his grandmother's jawbone.

I enjoyed reading this book because the book tells how Maui fished up the north island.

Story Arch

I completed a task called story arch. My story arch was about little red riding hood.

First, I did the Orientation. The Orientation is to introduce the characters and the setting

Next, I did the Inciting Incident. The Inciting Incident are events that sets the main character or other characters.

Then, I did the Rising Action Problems. The Rising Action Problems is  where an event happens with an arguement.

Then, I did the Climax. The Climax is the main point of the story.

Then, I did the Success or Failure. The Success or Failure is what happened, good or bad.

Lastly, I did the Resolution. The Resolution is fixing the problem so things are back to normal, even when changes are occured.

I enjoyed doing this activity because I explained small parts of Little Red Riding Hood.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Identifying Fractions

 I created fractions using pizza slices and squares.

First I wrote the fraction using numerals and writing down the fractions.

Next I used to the pizza slices to show the fractions . I also used squares to show the fractions in a different way.

Last I wrote an explanation. For example, there are five pieces in total, but I only have four.

Next time I will need to challenge myself by doing harder fractions.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Fairy Tales

 The task I did was Fairy Tales.

I got to list 3 fairy tales and listed the characters, settings, problem, and solution.

Character: I got to list characters from the 3 storys.

Setting: I got to put down where the location was when the stroy started.

Problem: I wrote down the problem of the story.

Solution: I wrote down the solution of the story.


Wednesday, 20 October 2021


I learned how to do fractions using shapes.

First I had to match the fractions.

Next I got you label and shade the fractions

Lastly I created my own fractions, labeled, and shaded them in.

I found this useful because how to do fractions using different shapes, the second part was the hardest because I had to think about what shape whould match a fraction.