Friday, 25 October 2019

Night in the Forest

Night in the Forest

Read the poster and use the information to complete the following tasks. 

a)  Use the ideas from Night in the Forest to explain how birds, insects, and bats find food at night.     
Fill in the chart. Write one idea for each bullet point.     
The first one has been done for you.
How does this animal find food?
Can smell food / worms through its nostrils at the end of its nose.
Its big eyes help it see.
Glow worm
It lures insects with its light and then catches them with its net.
Echolocation is the location of objects by reflected sound, used by animals like dolphins and bats.

b)  Give the meaning of the word that is underlined in these parts of Night in the Forest.
     i)   "...and makes a net of sticky, dangling threads."
          dangling means  hanging
     ii)  "...many native flowers are white to attract night flying moths and beetles."
          attract means cause someone to come with them
     iii) "The kiwi is special."

          special means  better greater or otherwise from what is usual

Today are class and I were on a reading called Night in the Forest

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