Friday, 18 September 2020

Making connection

LI-To identify and describe connections.

 Connections are similar and relate to text to self, text to text, text to world.

Text to Self relates to actions between the book and the yourself. For example 
the mouse is confident to the Grufallo. My connection is I am confident to the teacher when I show feedback.

Text to Text relates to action from the book to another book. For example the mouse tries to get out of being eaten. My connection is the gingerbread man runs away to get out of being eaten.

Text to World relates to the actions between the book and whats happening in the world. For example
The mother squirrel collects food for her children. My connection is mothers in the world go to the shops to collect food to feed their children.

These 3 things help people to understand what they are reading. 


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